benefit when you are trying to achieve a natural look. You can quickly use several different segments of eyebrow stencils together, making the variety of creative looks endless. The `eyebrow hair stencil' allows you to achieve a far more natural look than manual eyebrow makeup applica-
tions. Without professional stencils, it would be far too time consuming and artistically difficult to create individual hairs on the brow.

Fast, Fashionable & Effective
Another terrific aspect of the airbrush technique is that there are no extra steps in applying the makeup. You begin just as you would with any other eyebrow makeup by selecting a perfect color. You can choose
Follow The Master ~ You Get There Faster!
Similar to other beauty techniques, airbrushing takes time to learn. You cannot instantly create perfect eyebrows with out any instruction or practice. We strongly suggest that you attend professional hands-on beauty airbrush makeup artistry seminars, that specifically feature eyebrow airbrush and stencil techniques. Dinair offers special beauty makeup workshops, in which we demonstrate the processes we have created for each individual  facial area. We teach you how to use the entire airbrush makeup system. A certified beauty makeup educator will help you quickly master the practicalities
from a range of standard colors or mix a custom color, as well as to select a fashion statement color like a burgundy or purple.
      For sharper edged designs, you will have the stencil in full contact with the skin. For softer diffused edges to the brow, hold the stencil about one-eighth to one-quarter inch away from the face. The airbrush compressor needs to be set at approximately three to four pounds of pressure
per square inch. This obviously requires a specially designed airbrush makeup system compressor.
and artistic nuances for creative airbrush eyebrow techniques. Studying from experts will save you the time from studying with a video or   book  as  well   as
from   any self- taught trial   and   error  education you  may do on your   own.  Aside   from   the    airbrush  system itself, the only other tool needed to create perfect eyebrows, is the creative talent you already hold in your fingertips!
     In just a few quick passes with the airbrush, your eyebrows are finished!
      Something unique about our Dinair airbrush makeup process is that you do not apply the moisturizer until the very end of the entire makeup and cosmetic application process. This spray on moisturizer does not affect the longevity of the makeup by being applied afterwards. All other pre-makeup moisturizers reduce the longevity of the coverage. In fact, this allows the skin to breathe better, so that pores do not become clogged. The spray-on moisturizer uniquely stimulates the skin's naturally moisturizing process.
      Airbrush makeup is far more gentle on the skin, when compared to sponge, brush and other traditional makeup application processes. Other applications can tug and stretch the skin in the eye area. This sanitary and contamination-free application process is also a major selling point to hygiene conscious clients. This reduces any potential germ exposure to the makeup artist as well as to the makeup client. With airbrush, you are not dipping any brush or sponge back into your makeup after it touches a client's skin. Thus, the airbrush makeup always remains uncontaminated in the bottle. Add the fact that airbrush makeup is rub resistant and it stays on until you wash it off with any makeup cleanser -- and you now have an unbelievably special makeup service that your clients will find to be a significantly valuable and different service.
      The finished look of airbrush eyebrow application is only the tip of the iceberg --compared to what airbrush makeup artistry can be for you and your career. The airbrushed eyebrow can be a starting point to create that perfect arch or a new full-service makeup offering. You and your clients can enjoy a variety of new airbrush looks that will enhance any image or lifestyle.
      The time for airbrush makeup artistry is now! Invest the time to learn as much as you can about how the prestigious art of airbrush application can help you increase your pro-fessional cosmetic services and your profitability. With air-brush beauty techniques, the sky is the limit!

EDITORIAL NOTE: This special guest column has been written for Cosmetech by Dina Ousley and George Lampman, the founders and creators of Dinair Airbrush Makeup Systems of North Hollywood, CA. Launched in 1981, Dinair is considered the originator as well as the world's leader of innovative airbrush makeup artistry and educational programs. For more information about Dinair Makeup Systems, Workshops or a free brochure, call toll-free at 800-785-4770 or visit their website at